Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Extra Credit: Hitler in Animated Form


For up to five extra credit points (CW), watch the following clip and briefly explain its signifance. Your explanation should be at least 2-3 sentences, and you may either email it to me or post it as a comment.


  1. This cartoon is significant because it shows how, from birth, the German children were brain waished to become nazis. It shows Adolf Hitler had control of everything and everyone followed what he did and said. At one point it has a cross turning to a knife and a church's window being broken which shows how Walt Disney wanted to relate it to most Americans who are Catholic.

  2. This video of the nazis showed that children and people were forced to think, act and be like nazis; cruel and evil. From the moment Germans were born they were under Hitler's control and really had no power to stop it. Near the end they show nazis burning a church and taking away the cross which made the Catholics become more aware of what was going on.

  3. About to watch this but btw we sent air strikes to Libeya. The news says so

  4. Wow. Hitler had so much brain washing going on, he basically messed with the future. He changed the good in so many people and ridiculed them if they showed mercy. That is crazy. He's being just like Stalin (without the part of killing his actual citizens because they showed mercy, Hitler just ridiculed them and made them change their minds). The video also showed that the citizens religious wires started to change as hitler shoved the Mein Kamf at them ( if I spelled that right). He controlled their traditions and religion. Starting to wonder how he and Stalin could sleep at night. Apparently with sweet dreams of victory and more control. Germany was sleeping beauty and Hitler was just SO accurately cased to play the role of the night in shinning armor.
